
Sep 10, 20201 min

Thou Shall Not Stop Progressing

The 10 Commandments of Waiting on the Lord

If there is a time when you can invest in yourself, this waiting time is the best. Remember Ruth in the Old Testament? She wasn't idly waiting for a husband to rescue her from her circumstances. As soon as she was able, she made her time productive by working even when she was in a foreign land (Ruth 2:2-7). It developed her character in valuing hard work and displaying humility to the people around her. It also made her appreciative of the kindness bestowed upon her by Boaz who turned out to be, by God's grace and His divine providence, her kinsman-redeemer.

Do not let yourself be stuck in what isn't happening in your life at the moment. When you pray for blessings, make sure that you are ready to receive it. Be in an attitude that is expectant and hopeful of the Lord's ever flowing grace and goodness. Waiting does not mean doing nothing.

"Through laziness, the rafters sag; because of idle hands, the house leaks." - Ecclesiastes 10:18
