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  • Writer's pictureEttelNoh

Strength to Persevere

I quit. I have had it. It's been too long. It's hopeless.

Unanswered prayers? Disappointments? Rejection after rejection?

Sometimes when you encounter too many closed doors, you'd think there's nothing for you anymore. You keep on asking the Lord, when will it be your time for a breakthrough, but you seem to always end up empty-handed.

Can I tell you, friend, that you are not alone in this? You may not see a good ending as of yet, but know that the Lord is working even when you do not see it. In fact, most of the time, we do not see God's orchestration until later in our lives and we'd get the chance to look back. Then you'll realize His hand has been on every stop sign that you encountered, on every closed door, on every roadblock, silently prodding you to move forward because you were inches away from your breakthrough...had you only persevered.

Please do not give up. His timing is just so perfect if you allow yourself to be surrendered in His process. He will give you the strength to persevere. He is always after your character and He will allow you to wait only until His purpose is done in your life and not a second longer. So hold on to His promises and continue to obey.

Every closed door is His redirection.


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