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  • Writer's pictureEttelNoh

Thou Shall Never Neglect Worship

They say when God closes the door, He opens a window. But when all the doors and windows are closed, what do you do? You worship Him in the hallway. It will never do you good in marveling at that closed door, asking yourself what you did wrong, doubting yourself if you're good enough or worse, banging on that door and stubbornly asking God to open it for you. When you can't see any opening, get on your knees and worship Him.

Even through disappointments and frustrations, always remember that God knows what's best for you. He is redirecting you to something better because you will never move on to the open window unless you see that door closed shut. Believe that He is sovereign in your life and that all these things that He is allowing to happen and not to happen will culminate in the fruition of His purpose in your life. Trust His heart and worship Him.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

How does worship shape your response in unexpected situations and circumstances in your life?


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